Kendra was introduced to tech and production in the professional theatre world!
Kendra has been fortunate to have worked in tech and stage management for The 1000 Islands Playhouse, Theatre Kingston, Salon Theatre, The St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival and Sir John A 2015 and The Grand Theatre.
Kendra has also run spots, and show crews for big stage shows as a rigger, a member of carp and LX teams for The Band Perry and Cirque Du Soliel and ZZ Top.
Kendra has been a lighting designer for Queen's Vogue at the Grand Theatre Main Stage, and Theatre Kingston's The Invisible Man in the Baby Grand black-box space.
Some fun posters & lighting design photos from her theatre days on the left of this page.
Kendra also loved recording her band and learning about sound with Wildbloom's indie album Wanderoot. More about that album release here.
Exploring video for weddings is fun, but learning to self-shoot and edit for music is even closer to Kendra's heart.
This is a fun video (below) shot and edited by Kendra, who recorded and mixed the indie song with Dmitri Saluk and Stephen Helmer.